Answered By: Aaron Tay
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2017     Views: 119

The new library search supports the usual Boolean Operators, phrase searching and truncation functions.

Please use the following Boolean Operators in CAPS to get appropriate results

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT

The search  assumes that you are searching for all the words you type unless OR or NOT are specified between the words and phrases.

The search also supports

  • phrase searching with double quotes - eg. "Credit Risk" to look for the exact phrase.
  • Truncation with  asterisk - or * e.g. manag* to look for management, managing, manager etc.
  • Single wildcard with question mark or ? - e.g wom?n to look for woman or women.

The library search does not support asterisks or wildcard characters at the beginning of a word and will ignore it. e.g *aying or ?saying will be searched as aying.













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