Answered By: Danping Dong
Last Updated: Mar 26, 2020     Views: 564

Edit public data

Once logged in, find the published item to be edited under My data. Place your cursor on the item, and a pencil icon will appear on the far right. Clicking on this icon allows you to make changes to this item.

After making the necessary changes, you can save the record for editing later, or publish a new version of the record by ticking the box ‘Publish changes’, then click on the ‘Save changes’ button. The status of the record will become 'Under review' and the new version will be publicly available once approved. 

Version control on SMU RDR

Figshare supports versioning for both items and collections. Because projects are a continuous piece of work with a start date and finish date they are not candidates for versioning. 

There are a couple of changes that would trigger versioning. These rules are a bit different between items and collections. 


When editing a public item, the following actions will trigger versioning when saving publicly: 

  • Modifying the title 
  • Add/edit/remove author/s 
  • Adding new files 
  • Removing files 
  • Replacing files 
  • Removing confidentiality from files 
  • Removing the metadata only flag and uploading files 
  • Replacing the link associated with a linked item 


Provided it is a public figshare collection, the following actions will trigger versioning, when saving publicly: 

  • Modifying the title 
  • Adding new items 
  • Removing items 
  • Replacing items 
  • Add/edit/remove author/s 
  • Upgrading the item’s version linked to the collection

After you have published a new version, the previous version(s) remains accessible via a drop-down menu. You need to contact if you wish to remove earlier versions. 


How are versions connected to DOI’s?

Every item or collection version has a DOI. 

Every Figshare item or collection has a base DOI. This DOI can be found by removing the version suffix from the DOI presented under Cite.

The base DOI always points to the latest public version.

For example, the base DOI of the item in the image above is: and it will point to the latest version, which at the moment is 17.

Each of the versions have their own DOI and can be cited independently. The version DOI is created from the base DOI by adding the v<x> suffix, where x is the version number. 

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