Answered By: Hwee Ming Lim
Last Updated: May 19, 2021     Views: 1682

You can find delisted companies information from Orbis and EIKON.

In Orbis, go to search query Add a search step

1. Click Location > click World region, country & subdivisions > Enter country name in search box (e.g. Singapore) > wait for the results to load and OK button to turn blue, click OK.

2. Click Company > click Year of Corporation > enter Year (e.g. 1990 to 2020) > click OK.

3. Click Stocks and Earning estimates > click Listed/ Unlisted > click Formerly publicly listed companies > click OK.

4. Click View Results.

5. Click Add/ Remove columns >  Search Delisting in the search code box > display results Delisting Date and Delisting Notes, click + next to the fields > click Apply

6. Export to Excel. 


In EIKON, go to Screener app, include Public companies only, Singapore as country of exchange and delisted quote flag as true.







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