Answered By: Danping Dong
Last Updated: Mar 26, 2020     Views: 102

Please note that you can only delete private items

If you need to delete a public item, this needs to be done by a system administrator. Please see I’ve accidentally set my data to public, what should I do?

Private items

Private items can be edited without creating a new version. Remember to click save changes after making edits. 

You may also delete the entire item by scrolling to the bottom of the metadata form and click delete item. 

Public items

To edit a public item head to My data, click on the edit pen (this will become visible when you mouse over the item) that will then bring up the metadata form.

For public items, changes to the metadata field or the file itself will trigger a new version but the DOI remains the same. If you wish to change the file(s), you will first have to delete the existing file, to do this:

1. Scroll up the metadata form to where the file was uploaded 

2. Hover over the tick so that the delete button appears and click delete 

3. You can then drag and drop a new file 

4. Click save changes to save privately only, or click save changes and tick the publish checkbox in order to publish a new version. Click here for more information about version control on SMU RDR. 

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